Monday, May 28, 2012

You Never Know What Will Happen -- Mon., May 28

Today at the gate was very light.

On Bob's walk this evening, he saw four Axis deer (on the ranch across the road), four whitetail deer and a bunch of cottontails.

Other than that it was a pretty normal day gate guarding. Another nice sunset.

Night, however, had other ideas. This evening I had five tanker trucks who came back three times. They were finished by 9:30 p.m. (Overall, still a light evening.)

Because it was going to be a while between tanker deliveries, I wanted to call Mom to find out how her weekend went. She went to Lake Arrowhead in Washington on Saturday to visit Frank & Gina (brother and SIL) at their property.

Got my phone, sat down in the recliner, dialed Mom's number but realized I didn't have any blinds open to see trucks arriving. Got up, stepped over a box and raised the blinds. Started to step back over the box, miscalculated, got my feet all tangled up with the box and down I went--left knee, left hip, left elbow. It was such a shock I just laid on the floor and cried. Bob was so concerned, he got out of the shower and brought me an ice pack and some Kleenex. What a guy! 

After crying and ascertaining nothing was hurt, except my pride and a rug burn on my knee about the size of a quarter, I blew my nose and laid there with an ice pack under my left hip. I was just starting to relax when the bell went off. Bob couldn't get it, so I put on my big girl panties and zipped out the door to check in the tanker. 

I called Mom back to tell her I was okay as I only heard her answering machine when I dialed the first time. I wasn't sure how much of my fall she might have heard on her answering machine. She wasn't home, so I left a message.

I checked in two more trucks, then checked out all three. Mom called back and we were able to chat. She had a "lovely" weekend at the lake, and at her friend Jo's son's (Bob's) house on Memorial Day. At the lake, there was spaghetti dinner, a drive and a walk. At Bob's house, they played Yahtzee and Wii bowling.

After the call, I iced my lower back, hips, shoulder, knee, put the recliner back and read my book, "Gone Tomorrow," by Lee Child. It was about 11:30 p.m. Once again, I assessed the damages from the fall, put the ice pack aside, and promptly fell asleep.

Update: No more trucks came in last night. I woke up at 3:00 a.m. I think my body was in shock from the fall. Normally I don't sit down and fall asleep. Then nothing until 4:30 in the morning when the police came by for a security check. Bob was on duty.

It's Tuesday afternoon and I don't have any major aches and pains. Yay!

Spoiler alert: If you don't want to see kitty photos, stop reading here.

Bowie in the tube

Sunnie & Bowie sharing the hidey-hole.
Sunnie & Bowie are "into" boxes.