Saturday, October 6, 2012

90th birthday of Fürstin Hildegard zu Stolberg-Roßla

Fürstin Hildegard zu Stolberg-Roßla, née Sauerbier celebrated her 90th birthday on Friday 04.10.2012.  The doctor originally from Hanau to Ortenberg and in that capacity she sat in practice accents. Many have fond memories of the dedicated woman who was always available and took care to their patients. A "country doctor" like in the picture, which even left her nightly round of cards, if "worst comes to worst" and a doctor's visit was inevitable. Mayor's places Ulrike Pfeiffer Pantring stressed in this respect the arc in the present. "Now when discussing physician-shortage in rural areas, I sometimes wonder what our doctor has the time mastered and why others can not do it anymore." That it was at the time, was on the person as not only doctor always put tremendous discipline and immense diligence of the day, combined with solidity and reliability. On one side. On the other are their marked cheerfulness and a desire for companionship. In Sagittarius and she enjoys gymnastics club honorary status. And not only there. Even the hunters they admire "without end". This passion for hunting she went to old age. But Princess Hildegard had of advancing life to pay tribute: "I'm going to drive hunting long gone and my last deer I shot five years ago."
In 1967 Dr. Hildegard Sauerbier then married Fürst Johann Martin zu stolberg-Roßla whio is still in the memory of older Ortenberg people. He died in 1982 as a result of a car accident. In 2007 the Fürstin adopted Count Alexander zu Stolberg-Wernigerode according to the wishes of her late husband. The new young Fürst who is married and has 5 children has the biggestr Respect of Fürstin Hildegard.