On Friday i went to the Place Guillaume II. where the Town Hall is located and arrived there at short before14h00. There i meet again with Netty and Ken from the UK and also with Henriette and Josée from the Netherlands. Luckily i got a place in the first row. Later small school children with their teachers got places before us but they where no problem for us. Before the arrival of the Grand Ducal Family images from the Life of the bridal Couple where shown on the big screen which was errected there. Short before 15h390 they Grand Ducal family with the bridal couple and the brides siblings left the Grand Ducal Palace and walked the short distance. The bridal couple greeted the small children and talke with the people. Then they went in the Town Hall where the where married in a civil ceremony which lasted for about 30 min. After they went out they bridal couple again took theirtime and looked at the paintings the school children had brought with them. Unfortunately for us the children before us had nothing specielllike the children opposide so they went to them instead. They really took their time with it.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Grand Ducal Wedding in Luxembourg - civil Wedding
reigning House,